
Physics Q1




The Maglev Train at Shanghai is the first commercial Maglev train in the world. Its highest speed is 430 km/h. It links the eastern region of Putong and the Pudong International Airport in eight minutes. The length of the railway is 30km.(a) The average speed of the train is 86.4km/h(b) Compare the speed in (a)... 顯示更多 The Maglev Train at Shanghai is the first commercial Maglev train in the world. Its highest speed is 430 km/h. It links the eastern region of Putong and the Pudong International Airport in eight minutes. The length of the railway is 30km. (a) The average speed of the train is 86.4km/h (b) Compare the speed in (a) with the maximum speed of the train. Give a reson of the discrepancy. (c) Just before starting: 11:01:58 0km/h Just after it reaches the highest speed: 11:05:45 431km/h Find the average acceleration of the train during the instances shown


1. As the speed is incresed from zero to max. (430) and then decreased to zero, so the average is different from max. 2. v=u+at v- speed = 431 u - inital speed = 0 t - time taken = 3 minutes 47 seconds. so, average acceleration a = (v-u)/t = 431*3600/227 (km/h^2) = 6835


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