MPEG4 點轉做 MP3 format
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我買左隻CD, format係 歌名.m4a.....點樣可以轉做mp3? 因為我想cut歌做伶聲呀...! 謝謝 更新: 我隻cd放落電腦到(吾知係咩format), 跟住就自動upload落IPOD到; 然後我將d歌copy番電腦到, 就自動變左mp4 format啦.. 我想將d歌變mp3,cut歌做伶聲呀~!!! thanks.!
圖片參考:http://adlog.com.com/adlog/i/r=11132&s=501815&o=20:2001:2025:2170:&h=cn&p=2&b=6&l=en_US&site=4&pt=3000&nd=2170&pid=&cid=10619668&pp=100&e=3&rqid=01c18-ad-e446C0A7DF28D7332&orh=&ort=&t=2007. 可以用以下免費軟件 CD to MP3 Converter 2.1 圖片參考:http://i.d.com.com/i/dl/products/icon_download_product_large.gif Download Now (1.52MB) Tested spyware free License:Free Editor's Rating: Average User Rating: (out of 20 votes) Rate it! Downloads: 152,427 Requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server Limitations: No limitations Date Added:December 28, 2006 Publisher's description of CD to MP3 Converter From Eusing Software: This CD ripper allows you to extract audio files from a CD and convert them to MP3, WAV, OGG or WMA formats. It connects to the CDDB database to automatically retrieve title information, and it can save output filenames based on the track. It supports ID3 tag editing and additional Lame options. You can record to the MP3 format with your microphone or convert WAV files to MP3, OGG or WMA files. The program also supports the normalization of audio files. Version 2.1 adds checking for update. 2007-08-18 00:22:52 補充: 唔好意思, 睇唔到你講 .m4a, 你隻應該係 VCD, 你可以用 Super 去轉 MP4如下http://updat3.free.fr/A9A272829C61A6A9D86B50FF/SUPERsetup.exe