1. PT有幾錢個鐘??? 2. 個training program (barista trainee)要上幾耐堂?? 3. interview果時駛唔駛著suit? 更新: 4 interview係group/individual
1) For a part time, it mainly depands on working 1. "over/under 418", & 2. experience. in average, the hourly paid is $25-35. Besides, we have some bonus on mystery shopper and target sales, part-time partners can share in ratio basis too. 2) for the barista training, there is 1. classroom learning, & 2 in-store training. for the classroom learning, it is 40hr in 8 topics. for the instore-trainng, it depends on how your capability and the teaching of pther partners. 3) for a part-time candidate, i think it is not a must. just to be smart causal. but for some higher position, it is a must too as u will see the important managers. ***Tips*** Starbucks care people, one of its mission statement is "provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity."
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1.$25-$35 2.just hv 4 lessons 3.no 4.individual8758B59A7FA1EEA7