To make the visit more attractive, VW waives most of the normal 450-euro delivery charge. Buyers also are given digital "tickets," which resemble smart hotel key cards. They provide free admission - the normal entry fee is 14 euros - as well as credits for food and gifts in the theme park's numerous... 顯示更多 To make the visit more attractive, VW waives most of the normal 450-euro delivery charge. Buyers also are given digital "tickets," which resemble smart hotel key cards. They provide free admission - the normal entry fee is 14 euros - as well as credits for food and gifts in the theme park's numerous shops 因為我不太明白入場到底要不要收費還是要附基本的收費~~ 可以麻煩一下大大們幫個小忙嗎~~謝謝 更新: 【而且福斯還提供了免費的入場, 基本的入場費高達十四歐元】 是免費的入場~~那為什麼基本的入場費高達14歐元??
To make the visit more attractive, VW waives most of the normal 450-euro delivery charge. 為了吸引大眾參觀,福斯取消所有費用中的運送費450歐元。 Buyers also are given digital "tickets," which resemble smart hotel key cards. 且買主可以得到數位入場券,這個入場券等同於飯店的鑰匙卡。 They provide free admission - the normal entry fee is 14 euros - as well as credits for food and gifts in the theme park's numerous shops. 有了這個鑰匙卡可以免費入場(主題樂園)--入場費是14歐元(也就是省了14歐元啦)--而且主題樂園內商店的食物和禮品也是免費喔。 所以,福斯只是將費用減少了450歐元。 之後的免費入場...等,是在指鑰匙卡提供的福利。 2006-10-31 23:16:16 補充: 感謝語重心長的哞~哞~~,有旁人的建議,自己的英文才會進步!^_^ 第一句改成:為了吸引更多的大眾參觀,福斯取消大部份費用中的運送費450歐元。
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【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】 【 最新活動→迎接新會員,首存狂送20% 】 【運動→電子→對戰→現場→彩球 】 【免費服務 →電影區、討論區、KTV歡唱、運動轉播、即時比分、24H客服 】 【亞洲36588合法彩券公司直營 官網: A36588.NET 】|||||TO范范:你most沒有翻出來啊?其實PinKy也沒有翻出來說 2006-10-31 20:47:33 補充: 結構上來說,第一句可還原成:most of the charge對吧?所以most在此是漏了翻(^__^)|||||關於德國福斯汽車 ?let me take a look at this article ...To make the visit more attractive, VW waives most of the normal 450-euro delivery charge. 為了讓這一次的參展更加吸引消費者, 福斯汽車決定取消幾乎每一次都會收取的450歐元運送費用Buyers also are given digital "tickets," which resemble smart hotel key cards. 買家也會被贈送數位入場券, 入場券是結合了智慧飯店房門鑰匙They provide free admission - the normal entry fee is 14 euros - as well as credits for food and gifts in the theme park's numerous shops而且福斯還提供了免費的入場, 基本的入場費高達十四歐元另外還贈送了食物還有禮物券, 可以在主題樂園裡面的眾多商家索取到食物及禮物券所以呢, 基本上是免入場費這是一種增加進場參觀消費者的一種促銷from PinKy8758B59A7FA1EEA7