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我打算入讀呢間三藩市學校.. 想問下佢一年學費大概幾錢呢? 因為我唔識計... http://www.ccsf.edu/NEW/ccsf/en/student-services/admissions-and-registration.html 更新: 可19可以列埋條式比我? 更新 2: 打錯字..係可唔可以列埋條式比我? 同埋evertthing together姐係學費同咩加埋? 更新 3: http://www.ccsf.edu/International/academic/dates_and_fees.html 之前sd左mail去呢間學校..佢比左個新既網我 係for國際學生既.. 可唔可以照呢個計計一件大概幾錢?係咪2525x3.5(學季)x7.8(匯率)? 因為我係果面有親戚,所以唔使租屋住..thz
I assume you are international student. The actual cost will depend on your workload, which is vary. So there is no definite answer for you question. But as an estimate, the cost of attendance will be about USD$20,000 or HKD$$156,000 per year. Everything together, it will be USD$40,000 or HKD$312,000 per year. 2010-04-11 15:39:19 補充: There is no formula. They are simply estimate as the estimated per unit cost is USD$200. Everything means everything (what do you need for living). 2010-04-12 00:19:07 補充: I will suggest you not to follow that one because: 1. The website provides incorrect information: http://www.ccsf.edu/NEW/ccsf/en/student-services/admissions-and-registration/registration/tuition-and-fees.html (The new cost is $2477 based on the same formula). 2010-04-12 00:20:47 補充: 2. The estimate cost does not include your required health insurance. 3. Most international students in fact enroll 14-16 units per semester. 4. Last but not the least, my price tag is the one you need for admission and visa. 2010-04-12 00:21:05 補充: The actual cost can be vary based on how you plan.